春节期间最受关注的,除了“春晚”和“春运”,就要数 “春节档” 电影了。 今年的“春节档”影片阵容非常强大:成龙主演的《神探蒲松龄》;周星驰导演的怀旧大片《新喜剧之王》;黄渤和沈腾联袂出演,宁浩导演的《疯狂的外星人》……如此疯狂的阵容,你会选择看哪部呢? Chinese New Year is a golden period for film releases in China, with distributors falling over themselves to fight for the limited cinema slots. Last year, China’s box office took in more than 5.5 billion yuan in ticket sales in the first week of Chinese New Year. laden on board(最强“春节档” 猪年贺岁电影你会pick哪一部) 春节是中国电影上映的黄金档期,各家发行商拼尽全力争抢有限的院线排片。去年,春节首周电影票房总额超过55亿元人民币。 此前,长篇动画电影《小猪佩奇过大年》已打响猪年贺岁电影揭幕战,一起来看看今年春节档期备受期待的几部影片。 1. Crazy Alien《疯狂的外星人》 Starring popular comedian Huang Bo and Glee actor Matthew Morrison, Crazy Alien portrays how the arrival of an alien on Earth shakes up the down-at-heel lives of Huang and his friend, played by Shen Teng. The film will appeal to fans of the hugely popular madcap caper Crazy Stone, which also stars Huang and was directed by the same director, Ning Hao. 《疯狂的外星人》由著名喜剧演员黄渤和曾出演《欢乐合唱团》的马修•莫里森联袂出演,讲述了外星人的到来打破了黄渤和朋友(沈腾饰演)拮据的生活。同样由黄渤出演、宁浩执导的离奇恶作剧电影《疯狂的石头》此前大受欢迎,而其大批粉丝也将成为这部影片的拥趸。 down-at-heel:潦倒的 精彩看点:据最新票房统计数据显示,《疯狂的外星人》预售破亿,是春节档首部破亿影片,目前暂时领跑春节档。 2. Pegasus《飞驰人生》 Directed and written by famous Chinese author and racer Han Han, Pegasus stars Shen Teng as a former racer who decides to get back into the game. With no money, racing car or partners, he has his work cut out for him in taking on young racing talents. 《飞驰人生》由中国著名作家和赛车手韩寒编剧并执导,沈腾饰演一名曾经叱咤风云,如今决心重返车坛的赛车手。虽然没钱、没有赛车、也没有搭档,但几位年轻的赛车天才成为他的得力助手,助他一路披荆斩棘。 精彩看点:在1月31日开启的全国看片活动首站上,大家第一时间为电影送上好评,“从第一分钟就把我击中了,韩寒导演用喜剧包裹了一场热血人生,爆笑之后,又被燃到了”。 3. The Wandering Earth《流浪地球》 The Wandering Earth is a special-effects laden science thriller about humanity’s quest to find a new home in the face of the imminent destruction of the sun. The film stars many well-known Chinese directors, who left the directing seat to support director Frant Gwo. Directors flexing their thespian chops include Crazy Alien’s Ning Hao, A Cool Fish’s Rao Xiaozhi and the Wolf Warriors series’ Wu Jing. 《流浪地球》是一部特效科幻惊险电影,故事讲述太阳即将毁灭,人类要寻找新的家园。多位国内知名导演在片中出演角色,支持本片导演郭帆,在片中展露其表演天分的包括《疯狂的外星人》导演宁浩、《无名之辈》导演饶晓志和《战狼》系列导演吴京。 imminent ['ɪmɪnənt]:adj.即将来临的;迫近的 flex['fleks]:v.(为准备大干而)显示实力;摩拳擦掌 thespian [ˈθespiən]:adj. 戏剧的 精彩看点:《流浪地球》是今年少数做大规模提前点映的“春节档”影片,从目前传出的口碑来看,无论是在科幻类型的突破上,还是故事、特效、场面,《流浪地球》获得了观众几乎一边倒的赞赏。 4. The New King of Comedy《新喜剧之王》 Directed and written by Stephen Chow, the film stars Chinese comedian Wang Baoqiang and new actress Jing Ruyang. It portrays the quest of a small-town woman to become a film star. Given the Chinese audience’s long-standing love for Chow’s films and humor (his 2016 Mermaid took in 3.4 billion yuan in ticket sales), The New King of Comedy is certain to become a box office hit. 《新喜剧之王》由周星驰编剧并执导,喜剧演员王宝强和新人景如洋出演,讲述了小镇姑娘想要成为电影明星的寻梦之旅。由于中国观众长久以来对周星驰电影和幽默风格的喜爱,这部影片必将成为大热。周星驰2016年的影片《美人鱼》票房高达34亿元人民币。 精彩看点:时隔20年,周星驰为什么要再拍一部《新喜剧之王》?《新喜剧之王》又新在何处呢?日前,周星驰接受采访时表示,这20年来,他对喜剧和小人物题材的热爱没有变,只是自己的观察和思考有了一些变化,可能在电影里会有不同的呈现。他说:“我自己也是一个小人物,不过是想通过电影去说一些话。不管是20年前还是现在,像‘尹天仇’一样的年轻人还是有很多,我想跟他们分享我的感受,通过电影也许会给到一些力量。” 5. Animal Rescue Squad《动物出击》 Written and directed by Feng Xiaoning, Animal Rescue Squad does not star any known actors. The film shows how a group of animals save humanity by stopping a poison-laden tanker from approaching port after all people on board the ship die in a pirate hold-up. 《动物出击》由冯小宁编剧并执导,没有大腕出演。影片讲述了一艘满载剧毒原料的巨轮被海盗劫持,船上所有的人全部离奇死亡,一群动物设法阻挡巨轮驶入港口,以拯救人类的故事。 精彩看点:一场让人类命悬一线的危机,一次由宠物力挽狂澜的营救。如今,宠物的陪伴越来越让人习以为常。可是,除了可爱乖巧的另一面是怎样的?它在“铲屎官”没有注意的角落,会不会进行着惊人的谋略和计划?这正是本片令人期待的情节奇点。 6. Boonie Bears: Blast into the Past《熊出没·原始时代》 Since their first outing in 2012, the lovable ursine bumblers known as Boonie Bears have charmed Chinese audiences. Boonie Bears: Blast into the Past is the sixth in the series. 自2012年第一部《熊出没》系列动画片上映之后,中国的观众们就迷上了影片中可爱又蠢萌的熊。《熊出没·原始时代》是这一系列的第六部影片。 bumbler['bʌmblə:]:n.做错事的人 The previous release, Boonie Bears: The Big Shrink, was the second Chinese animation to take more than 600 million yuan. In the quest to be crowned the king of animation at Chinese New Year, the bears will definitely give Peppa Pig a run for her money. 此前上映的《熊出没·变形记》是第二部票房超过6亿元人民币的国产动画片。为在春节档动画片争霸中胜出,这些熊必定要和小猪佩奇一争高下。 精彩看点:欢乐刺激的穿越之旅,身临其境的视听体验,引人入胜的制作细节,《熊出没·原始时代》品质全面升级,这部开年狂欢之作有望创造票房新高,再掀春节合家欢观影热潮。 7. The Knight of Shadows: Between Yin and Yang《神探蒲松龄》 Directed by Vash Yan, this is the latest Jackie Chan vehicle. Chan plays an ancient detective bent on solving a missing girl case. 《神探蒲松龄》由严嘉执导,是成龙的一部新作。成龙饰演一名决心追踪少女失踪案的古代神探。 精彩看点:《神探蒲松龄》是今年春节唯一一部春节档3D动作奇幻大片,也是成龙首部奇幻贺岁大片。蒲松龄带领“猪狮虎”“屁屁”“忘忧”“千手”等一众小妖深入案情,在找寻真相的过程中,牵扯出一段旷世奇恋。 8. Integrity《廉政风云》 Five years on from The White Storm, Hong Kong stars Sean Lau Ching-wan and Nick Cheung Ka-fai join forces once again in the forthcoming film, Integrity, which will hit China’s theaters on Feb 5 — the first day of 2019 Spring Festival. 在联袂出演《扫毒》五年之后,香港影星刘青云和张家辉又共同出演了即将在大年初一上映的《廉政风云》。 Directed and written by Alan Mak Siu-Fai, the film is produced by Felix Chong Man-Keung and Ronald Wong, all veterans in Hong Kong cinema circles. Mak and Chong are best known for their co-directorial franchises, Infernal Affairs and Overheard. 《廉政风云》由麦兆辉编剧并执导,庄文强、黄斌监制,他们都是香港电影圈经验丰富的大师级人物。麦兆辉和庄文强因联合出品《无间道》和《窃听风云》而知名。 In the new film, two officials in ICAC team up to find a missing witness who is the key to cracking a big bribery case. 在这部新片中,香港廉政公署的两名工作人员联手寻找失踪的证人,这名证人是调查一起重大贿赂案件的关键人物。 精彩看点:据悉,片中刘青云与张家辉将凭“重金”特效重返他们的21岁,对此,观众们纷纷表示:“这波操作太令人期待,坐等进影院看男神!” 9. Peppa Celebrates Chinese New Year《小猪佩奇过大年》 Peppa Celebrates Chinese New Year will be a feature-length adaptation of the popular children's TV series. 长篇动画影片《小猪佩奇过大年》改编自流行的儿童动画片《小猪佩奇》。 The film's storyline is developed specifically with Chinese New Year in mind and will demonstrate traditions such as dragon dancing and dumpling wrapping. There will be new characters including "Panda twins." 影片的故事情节将专门围绕中国春节展开,展示出舞龙、包饺子等中国过年传统。影片中还将出现“熊猫双胞胎”等新角色。 精彩看点:除了除夕夜的饺子,电影中还包含了更多充满年味的元素,动画剧集中佩奇与小伙伴们扫尘、穿红衣、舞龙、放烟花,以及真人部分的对联、窗花、红包等。无论从布景还是情节上都紧扣年俗。在此前的点映中,当佩奇也过起传统中国年时,孩子们的兴趣油然而生,《小猪佩奇过大年》寓教于乐的意义就在此处。 英文来源:南华早报、中国日报网、光明网、环球网 翻译&编辑:yaning 来源:中国日报网 NLP 2.0